Boca Zen™+- Vagus & Oral Health


The use of BOCA ZEN™ is becoming more popular as a comprehensive care plan for the mouth.  BOCA ZEN™  can be ordered in a 30 ml bottle.  Cold shipping is not necessary.

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About Boca Zen MitoZen

Do not use it if you are sensitive to any of the ingredients in BOCA ZEN.

Place a few drops up to 1/2 a dropper full of BOCA ZEN into your mouth and use your tongue to move the oil all around your gums. A burning sensation is normal and lasts for about 1-3 minutes.

The burning sensation activates the vagus nerve and provides a calm and relaxed feeling. Regular use of BOCA ZEN activates the vagus nerve and regular activation of the vagus nerve can strengthen the vagal tone.

NADMax Ultra Supplement

10 ml bottle

Servings: 1/2 dropper

Amount Per Square% Daily Value
Oregano Oil (Organic)
Cinnamon Oil (Organic)
Clove Oil (Organic)
Moringa Oil (Organic)
Red Thyme Oil (Organic)
Ginger Oil (Organic), Fennel Oil (Organic)
Stevia Leaf Oil (Organic), Linalool, Myrcene
Alpha Phellandrene, MCT (Organic)

****Daily Value not established****
