NeuroPurge™– Brain Detox system using ALA, Glutathione and more with probiotics & SRT™ for sustained release. The Andy Cutler Chelation Protocol is designed to keep ALA in circulation continuously over a series of consecutive days.
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Milk Thistle
Enhance NeuroPurge™ Bullet
It is pulsed with days on and days off. Binders should be taken while on NeuroPurge™ to capture toxins within the gut as they are purged out of the nervous system. NeuroPurge™ can keep blood levels for up to 7 hours.
It Is Best You Do Detox With The Guidance Of Your Health Care Provider.
Research on NeuroPurge
ALA is kept in circulation continuously over a series of consecutive days. It is pulsed with days on and days off. Binders should be taken while on NeuroPurge to capture toxins within the gut as they are purged out of the nervous system.
It is best you do detox with the guidance of your health care provider.
Using the Andy Cutler Protocol to Address Mercury Poisoning Andrew Cutler Md Chelation Protocol.