Zařízení Qi-Home Cell™ EMP pro domácnost
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- Finance options available at the checkout
- Natural EMF protection from 3G, 4G, 5G, wifi and EMFs
- Stationary home EMF protection
- Improve your overall well-being
All Natural Technology
FCC Certified
Hand Crafted In Germany
Product Overview
*POZNÁMKA: Nová zásilka Qi-Home je na cestě do našeho skladu. Očekávaná zásilka pro Qi-Home je aktuálně koncem ledna.
Qi-Home je stacionární EMP ochranné zařízení, které renaturalizuje škodlivé záření ve vašem prostředí, zlepšuje buněčné zdraví a mnoho dalšího. Jeho nejlepším využitím je vytvoření ochranného pole doma pro vás a vaši rodinu. Získejte zařízení, které je nejvíce prozkoumanou technologií EMP na trhu a které získalo svého vynálezce Hagena Theirse, evropského vynálezce roku 2022.
Waveguard investoval téměř 1 milion USD do neprůmyslově financovaných peer review studií, takže si můžete být jisti, že jste našli vědecky podložené EMP řešení, které opravdu funguje.
✔️ Stacionární domácí EMP ochrana
✔️ Ideální pro dospělé, děti a domácí mazlíčky
✔️ Průměr ochrany až 50 stop
✔️ Naši zákazníci hlásili lepší, hlubší spánek, pocit klidu a výraznou úlevu při přecitlivělosti na EMP
✔️ Testováno a vědecky podpořeno třetí stranou
✔️ Vytváří ochranu před 3G, 4G, 5G, wifi a umělými EMP
✔️ Vydrží až přibližně 5 let na jedno nabití
✔️ 30denní bezplatná zkušební verze
😊 Výrazná úleva od příznaků EHS
💛 Stabilnější srdeční rytmus
🌙 Hlubší, klidnější spánek a relaxace
⚡ Zvýšená hladina energie, což vede ke zlepšení produktivity a soustředění
Ochrana před poškozením tkání a DNA souvisejícím s EMP v průběhu času
💡 Snižte frekvenci a intenzitu bolestí hlavy
🕊️ Snížení pocitů stresu a úzkosti
💧 Vytvořte ve vodě vylepšené protizánětlivé vlastnosti
Zařízení Waveguard fungují tak, že depolarizují umělá EMP v našem prostředí, aby drasticky snížili dopad EMP záření a chránili vás před negativními účinky, které mohou být způsobeny nadměrnou expozicí.
Depolarizace funguje tak, že znovu naturalizuje přebytečné umělé záření, a proto nesnižuje efektivitu vašeho příjmu wifi nebo buněk. Díky této technologii je Waveguard jedinečný u jiných značek. Zatímco některé značky se snaží zcela blokovat elektromagnetické frekvence (EMP), což může omezit použití technologie, a jiné se snaží harmonizovat s EMP, depolarizace je jediným procesem, který
re-naturalizuje EMP a jejich negativní účinky bez obětování využití technologie. V technických i biologických studiích bylo prokázáno, že zařízení Qi jsou účinná při snižování expozice EMP.
Používáním Qi-Home můžete zažít zvýšení energie, zlepšení kvality spánku, lepší schopnost koncentrace a snížení frekvence a intenzity bolestí hlavy. V průběhu času může také pomoci chránit před vážnějšími zdravotními problémy, jako je poškození tkání a DNA z nadměrné expozice EMP.
*POZNÁMKA: Nová zásilka Qi-Home je na cestě do našeho skladu. Očekávaná zásilka pro Qi-Home je aktuálně koncem ledna.
Qi-Home je stacionární EMP ochranné zařízení, které renaturalizuje škodlivé záření ve vašem prostředí, zlepšuje buněčné zdraví a mnoho dalšího. Jeho nejlepším využitím je vytvoření ochranného pole doma pro vás a vaši rodinu. Získejte zařízení, které je nejvíce prozkoumanou technologií EMP na trhu a které získalo svého vynálezce Hagena Theirse, evropského vynálezce roku 2022.
Waveguard investoval téměř 1 milion USD do neprůmyslově financovaných peer review studií, takže si můžete být jisti, že jste našli vědecky podložené EMP řešení, které opravdu funguje.
✔️ Stacionární domácí EMP ochrana
✔️ Ideální pro dospělé, děti a domácí mazlíčky
✔️ Průměr ochrany až 50 stop
✔️ Naši zákazníci hlásili lepší, hlubší spánek, pocit klidu a výraznou úlevu při přecitlivělosti na EMP
✔️ Testováno a vědecky podpořeno třetí stranou
✔️ Vytváří ochranu před 3G, 4G, 5G, wifi a umělými EMP
✔️ Vydrží až přibližně 5 let na jedno nabití
✔️ 30denní bezplatná zkušební verze
😊 Výrazná úleva od příznaků EHS
💛 Stabilnější srdeční rytmus
🌙 Hlubší, klidnější spánek a relaxace
⚡ Zvýšená hladina energie, což vede ke zlepšení produktivity a soustředění
Ochrana před poškozením tkání a DNA souvisejícím s EMP v průběhu času
💡 Snižte frekvenci a intenzitu bolestí hlavy
🕊️ Snížení pocitů stresu a úzkosti
💧 Vytvořte ve vodě vylepšené protizánětlivé vlastnosti
Zařízení Waveguard fungují tak, že depolarizují umělá EMP v našem prostředí, aby drasticky snížili dopad EMP záření a chránili vás před negativními účinky, které mohou být způsobeny nadměrnou expozicí.
Depolarizace funguje tak, že znovu naturalizuje přebytečné umělé záření, a proto nesnižuje efektivitu vašeho příjmu wifi nebo buněk. Díky této technologii je Waveguard jedinečný u jiných značek. Zatímco některé značky se snaží zcela blokovat elektromagnetické frekvence (EMP), což může omezit použití technologie, a jiné se snaží harmonizovat s EMP, depolarizace je jediným procesem, který
re-naturalizuje EMP a jejich negativní účinky bez obětování využití technologie. V technických i biologických studiích bylo prokázáno, že zařízení Qi jsou účinná při snižování expozice EMP.
Používáním Qi-Home můžete zažít zvýšení energie, zlepšení kvality spánku, lepší schopnost koncentrace a snížení frekvence a intenzity bolestí hlavy. V průběhu času může také pomoci chránit před vážnějšími zdravotními problémy, jako je poškození tkání a DNA z nadměrné expozice EMP.
Waveguard devices have been shown in an independent study by Dartsch Scientific to effectively depolarize up to 90% of the harmful radiation emitted by mobile phones, reducing the risk of cellular damage and other negative effects on the human body.
Waveguard devices have been shown in an independent study by Dartsch Scientific to effectively depolarize up to 90% of the harmful radiation emitted by mobile phones, reducing the risk of cellular damage and other negative effects on the human body.
3G, 4G, 5G, Wifi a EMP
33 stop stěna (16,5 stop nahoru a dolů)
50 stop široký průměr
16" x 6"
O 17.5 lbs
Borovice nebo Buk
After 12 hours
No external power needed
5-8 let na jedno nabití
2 Years
30 dní
3G, 4G, 5G, Wifi a EMP
33 stop stěna (16,5 stop nahoru a dolů)
50 stop široký průměr
16" x 6"
O 17.5 lbs
Borovice nebo Buk
After 12 hours
No external power needed
5-8 let na jedno nabití
2 Years
30 dní
Let customers speak for us
Vyberte možnosti
Unlock an Extra 20% Off!
Use Code WAVE20 at Checkout for Your Black Friday Savings!
- Finance options available at the checkout
- Natural EMF protection from 3G, 4G, 5G, wifi and EMFs
- Stationary home EMF protection
- Improve your overall well-being
3G, 4G, 5G, Wifi and EMFs
Safe Distance to Tech
Protection Size
33 ft wall(16.5 ft up and down)
50 ft wide diameter
Product Dimensions
16" x 6" About 17.5 lbs
Pine or Beech
After 12 hours
No external power needed
2 Years
Trial Period
30 Days
Life Span
5 Years
Do you know that you are already living around Harmful radiation?
Type Of EMF
How waveguard works
It's like an air filter for radiation
This demonstrates how depolorization works. Scientists at the University of Athens first investigated the effects of polorized radiation. When exmaining the main difference between man made and natural electomagetic fields in terms of biological activity, the following was found. Non-Newtonian fluids effectively disperse the waves of radiation, therby causing depolarization. These now scattered waves resemble natural radiation and are compleley harmless to biological organisms.
Users report increased energy, focus & reduced feelings of stress while at home, work & traveling
Studies show that water near Waveguard become enhanced with antioxidant properties
Waveguard products protect against harmful radiation including 3G,4G,5G, Wifi and EMFs
It's proprietary natural technology generates its own power, eliminating the need for external power
Users report a more stable heart rhythm, deeper, more improved sleep and alleviated EHS symptoms
There are a number of links between EMF radiation and cancer, including one 2013 study that suggested as many as 2% of childhood leukemia cases could be the result of EMF. That’s not all, as EMF may also have seriously adverse cognitive effects, increasing fatigue, hindering short-term memory, and even increasing the risk of neurological diseases.
And yet we’re surrounded by EMF and are willingly putting ourselves in harm’s way every day. From the Wi-Fi that powers your home to the machine that washes/dries your clothes and even your Bluetooth earbuds, they all emit radiation and contribute to negative health outcomes.
Hundreds of years ago, people painted their faces with toxic lead cosmetics to create a “natural” look. The Victorians used arsenic-infused wallpaper to decorate their homes. And you probably know about the time radioactive radium was used in toothpaste or asbestos protected our schools.
All of these things seemed natural at the time, and only a few questioned them. In generations to come, people will wonder with the same disbelief at a time when humans willingly filled their homes with radiation known to cause harm.
Designed for individual use that
offers mobile protection whether
you are at home, work, or on the go.
Protection Size
In Motion- 10 ft diameter
Stationary - 16 ft diameter
Product Dimensions
3" x 6"
About 2 lbs
Life Span
3-5 Years on one charge
2 Years
Trial Period
30 Days
Designed to be stationary, best
used in standard sized homes,
protects all persons and animals
in the safe area.
Protection Size
33 ft tall (16.5 ft up & down),
50 ft wide diameter
Product Dimensions
16" x 6"
About 17.5 lbs
Life Span
5-8 Years on one charge
2 Years
Trial Period
30 Days
Designed to be stationary, best
used in large size homes or office
buildings, protects all persons
and animals in the safe area.
Protection Size
230 ft tall (115 ft up & down),
328 ft wide diameter
Product Dimensions
24" x 7"
About 44 lbs
Life Span
5-8 Years on one charge
2 Years
Trial Period
30 Days
We Believe That Biohacking Is More Than Taking Control Of Your Health, It Is Also About Optimizing Your Living Environments.
There was no informed consent from the public that EMFs and 5g radiation were something that we wanted to penetrate the world we live in, however, we can empower ourselves to choose a solution that allows us to experience well-being & peace of mind.
Our mission is to truly build Earth 2.0 where we no longer depend on harmful technologies... rather, work in harmony with the natural technologies of the planet.
Satisfied Customers
Results Guarantee
Independent Studies
EMFs stands for electromagnetic fields or frequencies.
Electromagnetic fields are invisible waves of energy that generate radiation.
- Natural sources, like sunlight, are non-polarized
- Man-made EMFs, like mobile phones, laptops or cell towers, are polarized and can be harmful
Exposure to man-made EMFs, has been found by a number of independent, non-industry-funded scientists and doctors to be detrimental to health.
Link to our webinar that expands on the danger of EMFs and 5G
Waveguard devices work by depolarizing the man-made EMFs in our environments to drastically reduce EMF radiation.
Natural EMFs are not polarized, but man-made EMFs are. Exposure to these polarized man-made EMFs can cause issues for every single cell in your body, impacting your health at every level.
By depolarizing this harmful man-made EMF radiation, we can help to reduce the adverse health impact of the electro-smog we find ourselves in.
Imagine a man-made EMF being like an ultra-focused ‘wave’ beam. When you depolarize this focused wave beam, its charge gets dispersed into a wider area, reducing the strength of the radiation (AKA the ‘field strength’). Now depolarized, this EMF is less harmful and cannot cause the same damaging effects to our bodies or cells.
- Deeper, less disturbed & more restorative sleep
- Fewer headaches
- More stable heart rhythm
- Less fatigue
- Boosted energy and vitality
- Increased stamina, focus, and mental clarity
- Reduced feelings of stress, tension and anxiety
- Feeling happier and ‘lighter’
- A sense of calm in the room
Waveguard has over 25 independent scientific studies, more than any other EMF protection device.
You can see an overview of the research here and can download each study to dive deeper.
There is a 30-day return policy on the Qi-Technologies, to give you the opportunity to try it out. You can read our refund policy here.
Please feel free to try out any of the Qi Devices for 30 days. If you are not totally satisfied, you can return it within the 30-day window of delivery. For this particular product, it does not need to be "unused".
There is a 2-year warranty. This warranty excludes damage caused by you as a result of impact, fall, or manipulation of the devices (e.g. by opening, repair attempts or changes to the devices), and external influences such as cold or water damage.
EMFs affect every person differently; therefore, EMF protection shows different benefits depending on the individual. We highly recommend tracking your results with the before/after questionnaire we send so you know exactly how it’s affecting you. If you have a sleep tracker like Oura Ring or Whoop Band this can also be extremely helpful as it provides more in-depth health insights.
The lifespan depends on the Qi liquid's interaction with the surrounding EMFs, the more EMFs around, the more of the Qi liquid is being used. For example, if you live in a home in a rural area, the devices should function optimally for their maximum time. If you have MANY sources of EMF (such as a high rise or office building in New York), the function of the Qi liquid would diminish at a faster rate.
Qi-Shield - Immediately (5ft radius) and increases the protection field after one hour in the same place to (8ft radius)
Qi-Home - 12hrs to build full protection
Qi-Max - 24hrs to build full protection
Qi-Shield: 8.2 ft. horizontally and 5.2 ft. vertically
Qi-Home Cell: 24.6 ft. horizontally and 16.5 ft. vertically
Qi-Max Cell: 164 ft. horizontally and 115 ft. vertically
For the total diameter of coverage simply double the values above.
When stationary, the Qi-Shield provides an EMF protection field of 8 ft. radius (16 ft diameter) in width and 5 ft. radius (10 ft. diameter) in height. When mobile, the Qi-Shield provides an EMF protection field of 5 ft. radius (10 ft. diameter) in width.
The Qi-Home Cell creates an EMF protection field of 25 ft. radius (50 ft. diameter) in width and 16.5 ft. radius (33 ft. diameter) in height, protecting your family against mobile phone radiation, WiFi, electrical frequencies, electro-magnetic frequencies.
The Qi-Max Cell creates an EMF protection field of 164 ft. radius (328 ft. diameter) in width and 115 ft. radius (230 ft. diameter) in height, protecting your family, workplace and business against mobile phone radiation, WiFi, electrical frequencies, electro-magnetic frequencies. This is the most powerful Qi-Technologies product.
Qi Technologies offers protection against EMFs without interfering with your wireless devices. This means that you can continue using your phone, laptop, WiFi router, etc as normal, all whilst experiencing effective 5G/WiFi/EMF defense. With that being said, even with the Qi Technology, we still recommend reducing unnecessary exposure where you can. Book a free EMF home evaluation with one of our team members for easy things you can do now to protect you & your families health!
Track your sleep 7-10 days before and after receiving your Qi Device using any of the following:
- Tracking devices such as Oura Ring
- App on your phone
- Questionnaire emailed to you at time of purchase + 20 days later to compare results
Other devices claim to harmonize the EMF, which is different from depolarizing. These may work to a certain extent in a different way on a smaller scale, but make sure to look at the studies and see the exact findings.
Qi Technologies are the only devices on the market that use depolarization and have over 25 independent, non-industry funded, scientific studies
to back it up.
Qi Devices work by depolarizing the man-made EMFs in our environments. This makes the working area “biologically safer” - it does not stop EMFs, it simply mitigates the effects on the body. Therefore, you will still get a reading on an amateur meter.
'Safe distance to technology' is the distance we recommend keeping your Qi-Technologies® device away from any EMF source. EMF sources include electrical wiring in the walls, phones, laptops, etc). Safe distance is as follows:
Qi-Shield: at least 1 ft. / 30cm
Qi-Home Cell: at least 1.6 ft. / 50cm
Qi-Max Cell: at least 3.3 ft. / 1m
If you place your Qi device too close to an EMF source it will hinder your Qi device’s ability to create a working area of protection (and therefore stop your Qi device from working to its full effectiveness).
The Qi-Shield, Qi-Home Cell and Qi-Max Cell are all 5G ready.
You can expect your device to be delivered in about 3-5 business days.
Our fulfillment operates Monday - Friday. Orders placed over the weekend will go out Monday morning. The daily timeline cutoff is 2 pm EST. If you place an order prior to this time, it will go out the same day. After this time it will go on the shipment on the following day.
* May vary depending on stock availability. The update time to ship is always shown on the product page at the time of purchase.
It depends on the Qi liquid's interaction with the EMF, the more EMF around, the more of the Qi liquid is being used. For example, if there are less than 10 sources of wifi in your home, the Qi-Shield should function optimally for 3-5 years. If you have more wifi than that, the function of the Qi liquid will diminish at a faster rate. Also take into account your living environment such as apartments, neighbors wifi, cell towers nearby, etc. as well as any future potentially stronger rollouts such as 6G and beyond.
The lifespan of each:
The Qi-Shield will last up to 5 years, but we do not offer recharge on these smaller devices. Instead, we are happy to offer a discount on your next device purchase.
The Qi-Home Cell and Qi-Max Cell will last up to 8 years.
To enjoy the benefits of Qi enriched water, we recommend that you place a glass of water next to your Qi-Home Cell / Qi-Max Cell device before you go to bed at night, and consume the following morning. Any water within the area of coverage will benefit from Qi enrichment.
Click here to view the study done by Dartsch Scientific on the Qi-Home Cell & water quality.
Please note the Qi-Shield, Qi-Home Cell, and Qi-Max Cell have a beneficial effect on water.
Yes, Qi-Technologies® devices have an advantage in food. Just as Qi-Technologies® devices restructure water, the water in the food is also restructured, making it more digestible and durable.
It's perfectly normal for your Qi-Shield to develop grey/black lines around it - it is simply an effect of the material used. The Qi-Shield is coated with a diffusion-open lacquer so that the surface is not isolated (this is because it is beneficial for your skin to directly touch the copper due to its antimicrobial properties). When your skin touches the Qi-Shield the lines will develop overtime. This has no negative impact on the functioning of the device.
Qi Devices can be dusted with a dry or slightly damp microfiber cloth, but this should just be pure water (no cleaning sprays). You can polish the wood, and we would always recommend a gentle and natural polish, like pure beeswax. Over time, the copper may develop faint lines - the alloy uses a diffusion-open lacquer so that the surface is exposed, ensuring the skin still makes direct contact with the copper. The surface may become discolored or such lines may appear, however this has no negative impact on the functioning of the device.
No, please do not take any Qi-Technologies® devices into any type of sauna. Qi-Technologies® devices are designed for temperatures up to 104° F, whereas saunas are typically much hotter than this.
The Qi-Shield, Qi-Home Cell and Qi-Max Cell can be exposed to temperatures down to 5° F. It is recommended that Qi-Technologies® devices be kept in temperatures between 41° F and 104° F. Falling below or exceeding this temperature range can lead to damage and thus impair the functionality. Strong fluctuations in humidity should also be avoided as both the lid and the base are made of wood, and humidity changes can cause cracks in the wood which will affect the aesthetic of the device (but will not affect the functionality).
Yes - Qi-Technologies® devices have no negative impact on babies or pregnant women.
For those with EHS, we would recommend the Qi-Shield for protection whilst you’re on-the-go, and the Qi-Home Cell or Qi-Max Cell for protection in your home, depending on the size of your home. You can read more about which device to choose on our website.
Waveguard devices have a copper and wood exterior, and inside is a proprietary liquid called Qi-liquid that has been proven to have the ability to depolarize man-made EMFs in our environment.